We are committed to...

  • Staying compliant with PADEP laws, policies, regulations, permits, agreements & certifications, including (but not limited to) Chapter 245 of the PA code. 
  • Staying current with all PADEP laws, policies, regulations, permits, agreements & certifications that pertain to our company & procedures.  
  • Environmental impact awareness through company training, HAZMAT, OSHA and other training & certifications.
  • Reducing and/or eliminating any adverse impact on the environment by our personal procedures, emergency & safety awareness, traingn and preparedness. 
  • Continual improvement in our goal of zero adverse impact on the environment in all we do.  If environment is disturbed then our goal is to return it to the condition or to a better condition than it was 
  • Eliminating or containing and release of hazardous materials from impacting the environment. 
  • Recycling, recovery and reuse of materials when safe and when possible. 
  • Overall environment!

​​​​​Company Motto

It is our mission to provide a safe work environment to the extent possible through the use of engineering control of known hazards and ongoing training of the management, employees and subcontractors.  We are committed to conduct all operations with a maximum of safety and no phase of Professional Enterprises Inc.'s operations or administrations is or shall be considered more important than the accident prevention with its aims of eliminating personal injury, property damage and needless suffering.  

We hold safety in all operations & activities to be of primary importance.  Accordingly, employees will be trained in the safe performance of their jobs & will perform their jobs in a safe manner at all times.  Employees must observe the rules of safety, every time you come to work, every job you do & every piece of equipment you handle. 


Professional Enterprise Inc 



Please bear with us as our site is still under construction

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Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions.  It's mental attitude.  It cones from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don't have.  It's so simple- yet so hard for the human mind to comprehend.  ​